Sep 17, 2010

Tip For Smoother Skin

Smoother Skin Tip for both face and neck - September 17, 2010.

  1. Wash skin with water left over from boiled cabbage. (WAIT TIL THE WATER HAS COOLED DOWN FIRST, MIND YOU!)
  2. To help the skin feel cleanser and tighter and to reduce open pores, cut a tomato in half, rub
  3. on skin and leave for at 15 - 30 minutes.
  4. Wash the tomato paste off skin.
Eyes -
  1. To lighten dark circles under the eyes, wrap grated raw potato in cheesecloth.
  2. Apply to eyelids 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water.
To Reduce puffiness and bags:
  1. Place a thin slice of cucumber or an ice-cold tea bag on each eyelid. Decaf or non either works.
*Medical Health Disclaimer: Info is for educational purposes only. That Girl's Bath & Body Blog owner, operator, contributors, writers, editors, etc are not liable, nor responsible for the use of the beauty tips listed. The information listed herein is not to be used or to replace medical advice so please speak with your doctor first. Use our own judgment and common sense. Ask an adult or doctor health care professional advice before using any beauty tips. * Copy write: Don't copy or use image above in anyway. Picture use is not to be duplicated or used else where without written permission. The image used for this blog post is not a free image. It is sole property of the individual as well as That Girl's Bath & Body. To do so would violate the law.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Every woman wants natural look. So it is necessary to protect and care of it. It is now more commonly accepted that beautiful skin requires a sensible diet, regular exercise, regular care and - possibly the most important of all - a healthy and positive mental attitude. The mind does seem to play a huge role in determining how our bodies function. A calm, relaxed and positive mental state may be able to greatly promote health and well-being in general.
Use a good sunscreen, avoid excessive exposure to Sun : Sunbathing may be fun for a while, but lots of it can seriously harm the skin. The Sun dehydrates the skin and this may cause wrinkles, dryness and roughness and possibly more - signs of aging.
Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits, avoid spicy food : Easier said than done :-) Most people would rather eat only spicy food and avoid raw fruits and vegetables. If you use makeup, remove it before going to bed.
you might want to keep the other eliminative organs in peak shape so that your skin stays clear and smooth. You may want to try a liver cleanse for a few times and see whether your skin gets clearer and smoother.
Here's what you might want to try for a couple of months at least - as you go to sleep at night, visualize yourself as being very healthy, strong and having extremely beautiful, soft, clear and smooth skin. Feel that it is so. And maintain that delightful feeling as you drift off to sleep. This routine may be extremely powerful if practiced regularly. Thanks for sharing.
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