Apr 3, 2014

Our New Place

Well as some of you may have heard, we are in the process of getting our own place. Yeah moving again but this time relocating because of DH's work. Maybe renting a house if not buying one later down the line. It will be our first place together since we didn't live together all that long before getting married.

I had us wait until we were serious and engaged kind of middle ground so were not just living together all modern and sinful, but not waiting until we marry. So we didn't know about each others habits. So far most everything we do and live is not bothersome to the other. We are a lot alike.

Here's some pictures of our new home and hopefully we will have many family visitors.  I don't have much experience with interior décor or design and the thought of decorating is new.  So any ideas or serious suggested welcomed. feel free to share but thank goodness my husband has great style and can decorate.

Can not forget to decorate the baby's room and set up a bed before our baby arrives. Daddy is even more nervous yet excited then I am, and I could not be happier!

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